


      Giving speeches in a different language is difficult for students. Students will feel joyful when they can tell the story with confidence. Our English teachers create a rich English-learning environment for each of our beloved kids in our school. The photos below are about our students’ participation in story-telling activities.

One of our pupils was on stage telling his story. He was excited.

Students perform in groups on stage. They are dressed up as different characters. What an exciting moment!

The student got the award after the story-telling competition. She looks happy.



Spelling Bee

Memorizing vocabulary is an unavoidable path of learning a language. The more vocabulary one knows the more he or she will be able to express himself or herself. In order to arouse students’ interest in memorizing more words, our school organized its first Spelling Bee activity. Spelling Bee was originated in the United States and it could be traced back to as early as 1808. The long history of this event proves that Americans value the importance of vocabulary two centuries ago.

        Although we cannot compare our version of Spelling Bee to the American version, our competition has its unique features. Such features also provoke students’ interest in memorizing more words.


  1. The inclusion of irregular verbs

Other than testing students’ memory of the words they learnt in their textbooks, we included dozens of irregular verbs. For instance, forget, forgot, forgotten. Learning irregular verbs is hard even for some secondary school students, yet some of our students have already learnt dozens of them. The motivation of winning the competition urges students to try their best to acquire more words.

  1. Incorporating the STEAM element
    STEAM is a new phenomenon for schools. In this event, our English teachers worked with the art teachers to bring more fun to our students. P1 and P2 students made bee-related handicrafts and wore them in the competition. By combining the elements together, students’interest was greatly increased.
  2. The involvement of electronic devices
    The last unique element was the adaptation of iPads. Unlike the American version, students needed to verbally spell the words. We knew that students enjoyed using iPads, so we used the devices to test their vocabulary. Moreover, to make sure that majority of the students could participate, we used the draw method. Every student had a chance to compete. In our school, we value the importance of giving each of our students a chance to shine.


        背誦生字是學習任何語言的必經階段,識字量愈多語言內容愈豐富。為了提升學生對背生字的興趣,本校在2022-2023年舉辦了第一次的Spelling Bee串字比賽。Spelling Bee串字比賽源自美國,可追溯到1808年,證明了美國人在200多年前已經很重視背生字。


        本校的Spelling Bee雖然和美國版的Spelling Bee 不能相提並論,但是我們這個獨具特色的串字比賽依然激起了學生對背生字的興趣。

  1. 不規則動詞
    除了測試學生對課本內生字的認識,我們還加入了數十組不規則動詞,例如其中一組是:drink drank drunk。要知道很多中學生依然未能掌握不規則動詞,但是本校的學生們為了勝利,都負出了很大努力,有部份學生甚至能背出幾十組的不規則動詞。
  2. STEAM元素本校的Spelling Bee除了專注在常用生字外,我們還結合了STEAM元素內的Art。英文科和視藝科做了一個跨學科的合作,小一和小二的學生製作蜜蜂相關主題的手工藝品,並在參與比賽時戴上製成品,這個過程使學生對活動的投入度大大提升。
  3. 電子學習的運用
    最後一個特色便是加入了iPad元素,美國版的Spelling Bee只要求參賽者用口串出生字,我們增加了電子遊戲元素和抽籤元素,所以除了成績優秀的學生可以參與外,成績稍遜的學生亦能參與,我們十分重視給予每一個學生嘗試的機會。







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